MSc in Network Centered Computing

Module: PVM and MPI

MPI assignment


Distributed Matrix Multiplication

Consider the example of matrix-matrix multiplication as C = AB, with A(l x n), B(n x m) and C(l x m). Partition A and B into blocks as

The dimension have to be compatible so that


is well defined.

It is reasonable to assume that all the blocks Aik are all the same size (k1 x k2) and that all the blocks Bkj are all the same size (k2 x k3) and hence that all the blocks Cij are all the same size (k1 x k3), with k1, k2 and k3 not necessarily the same.
If we define the block columns


Then on a ring of r processors we can use the following algorithm:

Alocnum=I; Aloc = A(i); Bloc = B(i); Cloc = 0

FOR k = 1 TO r
     DO IN PARALLEL i = 1 TO r
          j = Alocnum;
          MULTIPLY LOCAL BLOCKS, Cloc = Cloc + Aloc * Bloc(j,i)
          SHIFT CYCLIC Aloc, Alocnmu right 1 place

Where Alocnum integer indicating the column number i, Bloc(k,i) = Bki, A(i) = Ai, B(i) = Bi, Cloc means column Ci allocated on processor i and Aloc means column AAlocnum allocated currently on processor i. Final result is kept in block columns Ci on processor i. Thus you have to collect these block columns in order to assemble matrix C, for example in the master, in order to save and print it.


  1. Assume that your architecture is a ring with 2, 4, 6 and 10 processors.
    - Test the your program on the square matrices A and B of size (6 x 6), (8 x 8) and (12 x 12)
    - Read the matrices from a file and save the results in a file (the format is your choice).
  2. Test your program on larger matrices of different compatible sizes and compare the speed (in milliseconds) for different variations of matrix sizes and number of processors
    - Use matrix size 50x50, 250x250 and 500x500
  3. Describe the design of your program under the MPI. Give a printout of your source code and test results.

[50 points]

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© Oliver Otto - The University of Reading / Salford