Personal Data
current address birth bithplace nationalit marital status E-Mail Homepage
: on request avaliable : April 1974 : Berlin : Deutsch : verheiratet : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. : http://www.OliverOtto.de

Professional Experience
2011-today projects job
: Bombardier Transportation GmbH : DT5, BR430, BR442, BR422, Do2010, SBB, ... : TCMS team manager (team size up to 10-50 people) - TCMS/HMI system specifikation - team managment - process controling after the V-model
2009-2011 projects job
: CDN automotive AG : Car-Infotainment HMI development (Nissan Connect, GM EntryNavTouch) : project leader (team size up to 30 people) - requirement management - project planning - specifikation management - ressource management - process controling after the V-model
2007-2009 projects job
: CDN automotive AG : Hermes 3D Car Infotainment System : Projektleiter (Teamgrösse bis zu 10 Personen) - deveölopment of a 3D navigation solution with all avaliable 3D attributes as well as successful problem analysis for mapping of 2D street information onto a 3D area model - requirement management - Projektplanung & Ressourcenmanagement
University Degrees
2001-2007 University degree Titel of Thesis Supervisor
: PhD, Doctor of Philosophie : Centre for Virtual Environments, The University of Salford : with minor corrections : Natural object focussed collaboration in distributed virtual environments : Dr. David Roberts
2000 - 2001 University degree Titel of Thesis
: Master of Science in Parallel and Scientific Computation : Department of Computer Science, The University of Reading : with distinction : Enhancement of the scalability of an infrastructure for support of a large scale virtual and agent environment : Prof. Vassil N. Alexandrov
1996 - 2001 University degree Titel of Thesis
: Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) in Technischer Informatik : Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, Fachbereich I Ingenieurwissenschaften I : good (with final mark of 1,6) : Enhancement of the scalability of an infrastructure for support of a large scale virtual and agent environment : Dipl.-Ing. Gottfried Junghanns
1995 - 1996 1994 - 1995 1990 - 1994 1990 1980 - 1990
: Ableistung des Wehrdienstes : Erlangung der Fachhochschulreife : Berufsausbildung zum Industrieelektroniker, Fachrichtung Gerätetechnik : Erlangung des Realschulabschlusses : Besuch der 21. Oberschule Berlin- Friedrichshain
Practical Experiences
2000 - 2001
2000 1999 - 2000 1998 - 1999
: Softwareentwickler an der University of Reading, Verbesserung einer skalierbaren Kommunikations-Infrastruktur für das COMRIS Projekt : Laborassistent im VRML Labor des Computer Science Departments der University of Reading : Studentischer Mitarbeiter im internen Systemmanagement der gedas GmbH : Praktikum im internen Systemmanagement der gedas GmbH, im Rahmen des Studiums zum Diplom Ingenieur (FH) : 2 Monate Studentischer Mitarbeiter bei DWG Berlin
team managment
Programming Languages Software Engineering Graphics Virtual Reality
System Support Content Creation Software Operating Systems Other
: - skill to integrate myself into a team or project - learning and managing of new topics within a short timeframe - skill to take over resposibility at any time - solve a task independend or in a team, depending on the needs : C, C++, Java, PHP, ASP, HTML, SQL : UML, CVS/RCS, Design Patterns : OpenGL, Performer, Java3d, Diverse, OpenSceneGraph : VR system and application development as well as usage for - immersive VR devices like CAVE, Head Mounted Display (HMD), Reality Centre, Workbench, other wall displays - optical (VICON), ultrasonic (InterSense) and magnetic (Ascension) tracking systems - other VR devices such as SensAble Technologies PHANTOM haptics, Applied Science eye-tracking and other VR input/output devices - experiences with Video Conferencing (AccessGrid), AmiraVR, AVS/Express : Windows Server & Workstations, Linux Server & Workstations, supercomputer (SGI Onyx2, SGI Prism) : Maya, 3DStudioMax, PaintShopPro, Photoshop : Linux, SGI-IRIX, Windows, DOS - avid reader/researcher of technical topics presented in academic papers and textbooks - self-motivated, adaptable, capable of working alone or as part of a team
enjoy time with my familiy
hiking (e.g. in the English country side)
swimming and judo
reading books, watch movies, enjoy company of friends
Otto, O. (2001). Enhancement of the scalability of an infrastructure for support of a large scale virtual and agent environment Master's Thesis, Reading University, 2001.
Otto, O., & Roberts, D. (2003, October 23-25). Importance of Communication Influences on a Highly Collaborative Task. Paper to be presented at the The Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, DS-RT 2003, Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 195-201
Roberts, D. J., Wolff, R., & Otto, O. (2003). Constructing a Gazebo: Supporting team work in a tightly coupled, distributed task in virtual reality. To appear in Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments 2003, 12(6).
Otto, O., Roberts, D., and Wolff, R.(2005), A Study of Influential Factors on Effective Closely-Coupled Collaboration based on Single User Perceptions, In Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Workshop on Presence, London, UK, pp. 181-188
A complete list can be found under Publications